Saturday, June 23, 2007

Vive Le Brabançonne!

A map of the United States with each state renamed for countries with similar Gross Domestic Products.

I, for one, am a proud Belgian, and will fight for the glory of my beloved Brussels Red Sox. Further, I shall smite any naysayers with my sword and shiv. So there.

Just reinforces what my junior year Economics teacher said:

"You live in one of the richest corners, of one of the richest corners, of one of the richest corners of the world. Never forget that and always be grateful."

Hear! Hear!

Incidentally, I had a good friend in college who was from Belgium (for real), and you wouldn't believe how many people, when informed of this, responded to her with, "Oh, so you speak Belgian, then?"

I fear to speculate on what that map might look like if the states were renamed for areas with similar education levels. I suspect half of the country would be called Antarctica.

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